28-Year-Old Pregnant Navy Killed in a Night Club

Losing a person’s life who has been serving the country can be a tough pill to swallow. But, losing a life of a US Navy vet who was carrying a child to a stray bullet is even more devastating.
Reports say that 28-year-old US Navy vet Vernetta Dyer got hit by a stray bullet on December 26th at the Evolution Music Hall in Wilson. But, the worst part of the news, she was four months pregnant. According to policemen at the scene, a fierce argument broke out, which evolved into an all-out gunfight. They claim that Mrs. Dyer wasn’t involved in any part of the argument.


The 28-year-old Navy Seal was pronounced dead at the scene after being hit by a stray bullet. She had been serving with the Seals for nearly 7 years. Vernetta’s mother, Tijuana Locus, stated, “It’s been terrible. For me, I know that Christmas will never be the same. “Someone knows who did it. Tell, call. If it was your daughter… you’d like to know who shot them, who took their life.”

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She also said that she found out about the shooting at the event via a Facebook post, and once her daughter didn’t answer the phone, she knew something was off. “I was sending her messages via Facebook, and she was not answering me,” she explained. “That’s what made me upset and nervous.” The Police informed Tijuana of her Vernet’s passing via a phone call while going to the hospital.

Vernet planned to marry the soon-to-be father of her child in January of 2022.